This project works with pieces from the extreme south of the American continent, Patagonia, that were taken to the British Museum during explorations by the British Empire in the and centuries. Many of these th th 18 19 pieces have never been exhibited in the museum, and have remained in storage since their arrival.
My visits to the British Museum’s storage aim to fulfil three specific objectives:
1- Make sketches of a series of objects to replicate the practices of the first explorers who drew tools, people and landscapes during their travels. My objective is not only to draw the objects, but also the “landscape” that surrounds them now. In this way, these new drawings present a critical view of the museum and conservation practices, showing labels, boxes and shelves as their new context.
2- Observe, measure and register selected objects, to create a series of life-size reproductions. These do not seek to be a true copy or cast of the original, but a version that generates an alternative narrative. The pieces will be made from materials that come
from Europe, so they will travel in the opposite direction. Although I am still not sure about the materials, they could be elements that move constantly from Europe to America, like books, art magazines, everyday items or clothing. The concept was to create a series of elements that symbolically represent those inside the museum, but that “return” to South America as a way to re-establish balance.
3- To observe a selection of drawings that describe landscapes and people from Patagonia, paying full attention to every detail to distinguish and recognise all the elements that are not typical of America and its people. By extracting these foreign elements from the images, an alternative landscape that represents a distorted view will be created.